Quanto tempo che non scrivo qui... l'università non aiuta a trovare tempo libero :p
Questo post è uno sfogo personale, che ho deciso di scrivere in Italiano non so nemmeno perché (tanto, se questo blog non lo legge nessuno, a cosa serve scriverlo in Inglese? ahah).
Vorrei solo dire una cosa: imparate a fregarvene. Mi spiego meglio. Non si tratta del solito (e giustissimo) "fregatene di quello che pensano gli altri di te". Più in particolare: avete un familiare/persona cara che ha preso male la vostra omosessualità, non a tal punto da cacciarvi di casa o tagliare ogni rapporto con voi, ma "solo" al punto di cambiare il modo con cui parla e si relaziona con voi? Bhe, non pensate che negandovi la vostra vita, e ciò che volete fare, la situazioni cambi.
Mi rivolgo specialmente a chi vive l'adolescenza/gioventù, ma il concetto è ben più generale.
Uno dei vostri genitori "mette il muso" se uscite con il/la vostro/a ragazzo/a? Chissene frega! Non rinunciate ad uscire con la persona che amate, o anche, semplicemente, non tornate a casa più presto nella speranza di placare gli animi in famiglia. Tanto non servirà a nulla. Una volta fatto coming out, è giunto il momento di vivere appieno la vostra vita. I vostri genitori (o uno di loro) non vogliono sapere cosa fate quando uscite? Fatti loro, voi fate quello che volete, non dovete nulla a nessuno. Sperare che vostro/a padre/madre possa migliorare il loro atteggiamento nei vostri confronti, negando a voi stessi di vivere la vostra vita, è una cosa stupida. Voi siete così, punto. Uscite di casa quando volete, e se a loro non va bene, fatti loro. Prima o poi, forse, se lo faranno andar bene. Ma il modo per migliorare i rapporti con qualcuno che si ama di certo non consiste nel fare quello che loro vogliono.
Dico tutto ciò per espereinza, sia personale che di persone a me care. So cosa significhi trovarsi tra due fuochi. Da un lato c'è il fidanzato, il desiderio di passare del tempo con lui/lei, ed il senso di colpa se gli si nega un'uscita. Dall'altro c'è il padre/madre ecc., ed il sentimento di obbligo nei loro confronti. L'obbligo morale (e non imposto da loro) di tornare a casa prima (per poi rinchiudersi in camera, molto spesso). I sensi di colpa se non si cena a casa, perché chissà cosa starà pensando mio padre. "Forse se torno a casa presto si scioglie..." "però ieri mi ha leggermente sorriso, magari se stasera non esco le cose miglioreranno..." Cazzate!
Siate come siete, fate quel che volete. Se volete stare con il vostro ragazzo/a fatelo, lo dovete non solo a lui/lei, ma soprattutto a voi stessi.
Perché si tratta di voi stessi, del vostro essere, e nessun altro ha il diritto di decidere su di voi.
"Stay as you are"
mercoledì 3 settembre 2014
lunedì 3 marzo 2014
"Tell No One": a lovely Italian gay movie.

Tell no one (Not a word)! Today I want to talk about this romantic gay themed Italian comedy (the Italian title is "Come non detto"): it tells about Mattia and his Spanish boyfriend Eduard. Mattia is about to move from Rome to Madrid, so he'll be able to live with his boyfriend without telling his parents that he's gay. The problem is that Eduard thinks that Mattia is completly out of the closet and that his parents support their relationship. So Eduard decides to surprise his boyfriend and, the day before Mattia had planned to leave Rome, comes to Italy to meet his parents. In this situation, Mattia will have to decide what to do: tell his parents that he's gay or tell his boyfriend that he's been a liar for a long time?

Here's the movie trailer, with English subtitles:
I really love this movie for two main reasons.
First of all, it's one of the few Italian movies about same sex love and, most of all, without any kind of stereotype: Mattia and Eduard are two regular guys, who happened to be gay. That's all. Italian movies can be really stereotyped when it comes to gay characters.
The second reason is that this is the "movie of my life". A little more than one years ago I was essentially in same situation of the protagonist: I had a wonderful boyfriend, I was about to move to another city and, most of all, I hadn't come out to my parents yet. I have to say that "Come non detto" gave me the courage to come out to my family: seeing a movie as this one in an almost totally Catholic country like Italy made me think that it really "gets better".
I totally advise anyone to see this movie, you won't regret it!
sabato 1 marzo 2014
Famous people I kinda stalk!
Get ready, because this isn't going to be a deep post, not at all... but a hot one for sure! :p
I'm sure that every person has a few favourite actors, or, generally speaking, some favourite famous people. Well, considering only the hot ones, those ones your boyfriend/girlfriend can't stand because you always talk about them and about their perfection... these are mine ( AND IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRITIES, PLEASE DO NOT BE SHY AND CONTACT ME. LOL):
I've known him since his first role in Ryan Murphy's Glee, as the evil Sebastian Smythe. Then he appeared in a few movies (like the interesting "A mother's nightmare"), he played two twins in a CSI Miami episode (yeah, one hot Grant wasn't enough!), and finally acted the part of Flash in Arrow... if you like him, get ready beacause he'll be the protagonist of next fall series The Flash! Isn't he amazing?!?
This American actor is known for his role in Under the Dome, where he plays Junior, a crazy guy who locks his ex-girlfriend in his own basement. Well, Alexander, considering your cute puppy eyes and your incredible lips... you can lock me in your basement whenever you want! Ahahah!! (*psycho laugh*)
Let's talk about "sport", especially one of the hottest ones: diving! There's nothing much to say... isn't Tom Daley super hot? And considering he's gay, I may have a "real" possibility with him (yeah, just dream about it... - Shut up brain!).
The final one is a Spanish actor from the tv series "Fisica o Quimica" ("Physics or Chemistry" in English), a tv show that was largly criticized for his main themes (like, for example, homosexuality...). Javier Calvo plays Fer, a lovely gay boy who falls in love with his (boy)friend David. Isn't he really cute?
Well, these are the men I'll never have, so I'd better end this post right now or I'll sink into a very deep depression. LOL
Take care,
I'm sure that every person has a few favourite actors, or, generally speaking, some favourite famous people. Well, considering only the hot ones, those ones your boyfriend/girlfriend can't stand because you always talk about them and about their perfection... these are mine ( AND IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRITIES, PLEASE DO NOT BE SHY AND CONTACT ME. LOL):
I've known him since his first role in Ryan Murphy's Glee, as the evil Sebastian Smythe. Then he appeared in a few movies (like the interesting "A mother's nightmare"), he played two twins in a CSI Miami episode (yeah, one hot Grant wasn't enough!), and finally acted the part of Flash in Arrow... if you like him, get ready beacause he'll be the protagonist of next fall series The Flash! Isn't he amazing?!?
This American actor is known for his role in Under the Dome, where he plays Junior, a crazy guy who locks his ex-girlfriend in his own basement. Well, Alexander, considering your cute puppy eyes and your incredible lips... you can lock me in your basement whenever you want! Ahahah!! (*psycho laugh*)
Let's talk about "sport", especially one of the hottest ones: diving! There's nothing much to say... isn't Tom Daley super hot? And considering he's gay, I may have a "real" possibility with him (yeah, just dream about it... - Shut up brain!).
The final one is a Spanish actor from the tv series "Fisica o Quimica" ("Physics or Chemistry" in English), a tv show that was largly criticized for his main themes (like, for example, homosexuality...). Javier Calvo plays Fer, a lovely gay boy who falls in love with his (boy)friend David. Isn't he really cute?
Well, these are the men I'll never have, so I'd better end this post right now or I'll sink into a very deep depression. LOL
Take care,
venerdì 28 febbraio 2014
The winter olympics are done, but discrimination is continuing.
During the last few weeks, everyone has been talking about Putin's anti-gay law... on tv, on the internet, everywhere! But what about now? The olympics are done, and almost nobody is talking about russian discrimination anymore! Of course, gay themed blogs and websites didn't forget all this horrible worry and every LGBT person didn't either... but what about "common" people? I'm talking about every straight guy or woman, every straight father/mother, I'm talking about children, about yuong and old people, busy workers and all that kind of people who have known about anti-gay laws just because everytime they turned their tv on, someone was talking about it. It wasn't just a problem for gays, it was a problem for every single human. But now this isn't a hot topic anymore, so journalists "forgot" it, and all this crazy situation is becoming just a "worry concerning gay people", like almost any other news about discriminations againts the LGBT community.
I don't want to forget. People are suffering over there, just because they want to be themselves.
Take a look at this interesting video I found on YouTube, it's very well made:
But most of all, talk about it with other people. I know, that's not so much, but at least it's better than nothing.
Take care,
I don't want to forget. People are suffering over there, just because they want to be themselves.
Take a look at this interesting video I found on YouTube, it's very well made:
But most of all, talk about it with other people. I know, that's not so much, but at least it's better than nothing.
Take care,
This is who I am
Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog (will anyone ever read it? ahahah).
Well, I don't even know where to begin... let's just say that I am an Italian boy, born in 1993. And yep, I'm gay.
I'm studying at university, and I have a wonderful boyfriend. Yeah, I'm that kind of romantic guy who always used to dream about true love... until I finally found it. And we've been togheter for more than two years by now!
What about my homosexuality? At the moment, all of my friends know I'm gay, but I'm not out to the whole world: I usually don't come out to people I barely know, or to people I don't care about. I came out to my parents more than one year ago: my mother is completly fine with it, but with my father... well, I'll just say that he wasn't ok with it, at all (I may talk about it in a future post).
I don't wanna talk about me too much... I prefer describing myself trough my posts during the time, little by little.
But finally, why did I make this blog? Actually, I don't even know why... I just felt I needed a space where i could let my thoughts free, far from the "real world" (yeah, I know, I doesn't make so much sense) and, who knows, discuss about anything with other people from around the world.
Even if just one person will stop here and find my future posts a little interesting, I'll be enormously happy about it.
Take care,
Well, I don't even know where to begin... let's just say that I am an Italian boy, born in 1993. And yep, I'm gay.
I'm studying at university, and I have a wonderful boyfriend. Yeah, I'm that kind of romantic guy who always used to dream about true love... until I finally found it. And we've been togheter for more than two years by now!
What about my homosexuality? At the moment, all of my friends know I'm gay, but I'm not out to the whole world: I usually don't come out to people I barely know, or to people I don't care about. I came out to my parents more than one year ago: my mother is completly fine with it, but with my father... well, I'll just say that he wasn't ok with it, at all (I may talk about it in a future post).
I don't wanna talk about me too much... I prefer describing myself trough my posts during the time, little by little.
But finally, why did I make this blog? Actually, I don't even know why... I just felt I needed a space where i could let my thoughts free, far from the "real world" (yeah, I know, I doesn't make so much sense) and, who knows, discuss about anything with other people from around the world.
Even if just one person will stop here and find my future posts a little interesting, I'll be enormously happy about it.
Take care,
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